CBD is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. It’s extracted from the plant and used as alternative medicine, also known as cannabis oil or hemp oil. Intractable to popular thought, it doesn’t get you high. The List of CBD Products CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is a compound found in marijuana. Unlike THC, which is even available in cannabis, CBD does not cause the feeling of being high. It’s also known as cannabis oil or hemp oil. CBD has been used for years to help with various medical conditions such as headache, chronic pain, depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia, and digestive problems. There are many benefits of CBD products. They can be ingested orally or directly applied to the skin. CBD products are becoming more common Online Weed Dispensary in Canada today because people are learning about their benefits. Here are some reviews of my favorite CBD products. Extracts, Tinctures, and Topicals The first type of most demanding CBD product is oil. It comes in a small con